13. We enjoved our holiday. ... hotel was very nice.
A) A B) The C) - D\ Some
14. Is there ... hotel near here?
A) a BI - C) some D) the
15. I like this room but I don't like ... colour of ... carpet.
A) a/the B) the/a C) -/- D) the/the
16. Can you tell me ... time, please?
A) a Blan C) the
D\ -
17. We live in ... same street.
A) a B) an C) the D) -
18. Do you live in ... town or in ... country?
A) the/the B) a/a
C) -/a D) a/the
19. I listen to ... radio a lot.
A) a B) the C) an D) -
20. I watch ... television a lot.
A) a B) the C) an D) -
21. .. dinner is ready!
A) A B) The C) - D) An
22. I'm not working ... next week.
A) a B) an C) the D) -
23. Jack was in ... accident. He had to go to ... hospital.
A) a/ - B) an/a
C) the/the D) an/ -
24. I'm going to ... dentist tomorrow?
A) a Blan C) the DI -
25. - Where are ... children?
-They are in the garden.
A) a B) the C) - D) that
26. ... Peru is in ... South America.
A) The /the B) -/the C) The/- D) - / -
27. Can you tell me where ... Regal Cinema is?
A) a B) the C) - D) an

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Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac

13. We enjoved our holiday. ... hotel was very nice.

A) A B) The C) - D\ Some

14. Is there ... hotel near here?

A) a BI - C) some D) the

15. I like this room but I don't like ... colour of ... carpet.

A) a/the B) the/a C) -/- D) the/the

16. Can you tell me ... time, please?

A) a Blan C) the

D\ -

17. We live in ... same street.

A) a B) an C) the D) -

18. Do you live in ... town or in ... country?

A) the/the B) a/a

C) -/a D) a/the

19. I listen to ... radio a lot.

A) a B) the C) an D) -

20. I watch ... television a lot.

A) a B) the C) an D) -

21. .. dinner is ready!

A) A B) The C) - D) An

22. I'm not working ... next week.

A) a B) an C) the D) -

23. Jack was in ... accident. He had to go to ... hospital.

A) a/ - B) an/a

C) the/the D) an/ -

24. I'm going to ... dentist tomorrow?

A) a Blan C) the DI -

25. - Where are ... children?

-They are in the garden.

A) a B) the C) - D) that

26. ... Peru is in ... South America.

A) The /the B) -/the C) The/- D) - / -

27. Can you tell me where ... Regal Cinema is?

A) a B) the C) - D) an

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