І. English speaking countries.
ІІ. Grammar test. Choose the correct variant.
1) She was hungry because she......... money
to buy food.
a) has b) had not c) have.
2) He is so absent-minded. He always.........
a) forgets b) forget c) forgot
3) I won't tell her the truth because it.........
hurt her.
a) hurt b) shall hurt c) will
4) In old times people......... very slowly.
a) travelled b) travel c) will
5) Hurry up or you….. late for train.
a)will be b) be c) were
6 ) He likes music but he...to watch concerts.
a) don't go b) doesn't go c) goes
7) You...... never a looser until you are
a) is b) was c)are
8) It was rainy so I...... my umbrella with
a) took b) takes c)
9) They are going to the cinema, think I......
a) will join b) joins
10) The hotel wasn't very expensive. It......
very much.
a) didn't cost b) don't cost c)
will not cost
ІІІ. Read and translate business dialogue into Ukrainian.
Security officer: Next!
Passenger: Here's my ticket.
Security officer: Please step through the scanner.
Passenger: (beep, beep, beep) What's wrong?!
Security officer: Please step to the side.
Passenger: Certainly.
Security officer: Do you have any coins in your pocket?
Passenger: No, but I have some keys.
Security officer: Ah, that's the problem. Put your keys in this bin and walk through the scanner
Passenger: Okay.
Security officer: Excellent. No problem. Remember to unload your pockets before you go
through security next time.
Passenger: I'll do that. Thank you.
Security officer: Have a nice day.

lubovabdualieva: 1. had not
lubovabdualieva: 2. forgets
lubovabdualieva: 3. will hurt
lubovabdualieva: 4. travelled
lubovabdualieva: 5. will be
lubovabdualieva: 6. doesn't go


Ответ дал: malikakholmuminova


1) had not

2) forgets

3) will hurt

4) travelled

5) will be

6) doesn't go

7) are

8) took

9) will join

10) didn't cost

ІІІ. Діалог на бізнес-теми:

Охоронець: Наступний!

Пасажир: Ось мій квиток.

Охоронець: Будь ласка, пройдіть через сканер.

Пасажир: (сигналізація) Що не так?!

Охоронець: Будь ласка, ступіть в бік.

Пасажир: Звичайно.

Охоронець: Чи є у вас монети в кишені?

Пасажир: Ні, але у мене є кілька ключів.

Охоронець: Ага, ось в чому проблема. Покладіть свої ключі в цей ящик і пройдіть через сканер ще раз.

Пасажир: Добре.

Охоронець: Відмінно. Немає проблем. Пам'ятайте розгрузити кишені, перш ніж пройти через охорону наступного разу.

Пасажир: Зроблю так. Дякую.

Охоронець: Гарного дня.


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