Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя известные вам речевые модели. 1. The Constitution of the USA consists of 27 Amendments. 2. A written constitution is a living document. It can be altered with ease. 3. The Constitution created three separate branches of government. 4. Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of an upper house, called the Federation Council, and a lower house, the State Duma. 5. Power is concentrated in the executive branch, which is headed by the President who is given the job of executing, enforcing and administering the laws and the government. 6. The judicial power of the United States is vested in the US District Courts. 7. The two major parties in America are the Democrats and the Republicans. They perform a wide variety of functions. 8. Elections are held at all levels and there are numerous differences in registration laws from locality to locality and state to state.


Ответ дал: albinanemkaeva


1. I agree that the Constitution of the USA consists of 27 Amendments.

2. I disagree that a written constitution is a living document. It can be altered, but not with ease.

3. I agree that the Constitution created three separate branches of government.

4. I disagree that Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of an upper house called the Federation Council and a lower house, the State Duma. This description is actually for the Russian government.

5. I agree that power is concentrated in the executive branch, which is headed by the President who is given the job of executing, enforcing and administering the laws and the government.

6. I disagree that the judicial power of the United States is vested in the US District Courts. While they are part of the judicial branch, the power is actually vested in the Supreme Court and other federal courts.

7. I agree that the two major parties in America are the Democrats and the Republicans. They perform a wide variety of functions.

8. I agree that elections are held at all levels and there are numerous differences in registration laws from locality to locality and state to state.

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