• Do you like cartoons? Why? • Why do want to learn English? • At what time do you usually go to sleep? Why? • What is your hobby? • Which do you like more Pepsi or Coke? And Why? Ответьте пожалуйста на эти вопросы, один вопрос 3-4 предложение. Пожалуйста срочно нужно ​


Ответ дал: kristishka89916


• Do you like cartoons? Why? - I don't like cartoons. I think they are for children. I prefer movies.

• Why do want to learn English? - I learn English because it will help me for my future carreer. I think it's modern. This language gives you a lot of apportunities.

• At what time do you usually go to sleep? Why?- I usually go to sleep at 10 pm. I need to wake up early in the morning. In the weekends I go to sleep a bit later.

• What is your hobby? - My hobby is cycling. I like it because I can keep fit in such way. I do it with my friends.

• Which do you like more Pepsi or Coke? And Why? - I like Coke more. I like its taste. But I think that it's not very healthy for my health.

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