5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use will or the Present Perfect.
0 I'm hungry because I haven't had (not have) breakfast.
1. _____________(you / ever / visit) London?' 'No, I haven't.'
2 Oh, no! I ___________(break) my favorite mug.
3 Amy loves painting. I think she___________ (be) an artist one day.
4 Where ____________(you / live) in the future?
5 Max____________ (bake) a cake. Try it, it's delicious.​


Ответ дал: abonte

1. Have you ever visited London?' 'No, I haven't.' (Present Perfect)

2. Oh, no! I have broken my favorite mug.(Present Perfect)

3. Amy loves painting. I think she will be an artist one day. (Future Simple)

4. Where will you live in the future? (Future Simple)

5. Max has baked a cake. Try it, it's delicious.​ (Present Perfect)

Ответ дал: сок111213

1. Have you ever visited London?' 'No, I haven't.'

2. Oh, no! I have broken my favorite mug.

3. Amy loves painting. I think she *

will be an artist one day.

4. Where will you live in the future?

5. Max has baked a cake. Try it, it's delicious.

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