8 Complete the dialogues. Match 1-8 with a-h. 0 A: Can you help me with the cooking, please? B: i 1 A: Do you have these in a medium? B: 2 A: This is a very funny programme. What do you think? B: 3 A: I think you should lie down. B: 4 A: Would you like to go cycling or swimming? B: 5 A: What happened? B: 6 A: Would you like to hang out on Friday? B: 7 A: Could I borrow your phone? B: 8 A: Can I help you? B: a I disagree with you. b No, thanks, I'm just looking. c Not now, sorry. I'm using it at the moment. d Yes, you're right. I really don't feel well. e Yes, I'd love to, thanks. f I fell off my bike and broke my arm. g Yes, we do. Here you are. h You choose. I don't mind. i No problem.​



Ответ дал: Пеппер



A: Can you help me with the cooking, please?

No problem.​

A: Do you have these in a medium?

Yes, we do. Here you are.

A: This is a very funny programme. What do you think?

I disagree with you.

A: I think you should lie down.

 Yes, you're right. I really don't feel well.

A: Would you like to go cycling or swimming?

You choose. I don't mind.

A: What happened?

I fell off my bike and broke my arm.

A: Would you like to hang out on Friday?

Yes, I'd love to, thanks.

A: Could I borrow your phone?

Not now, sorry. I'm using it at the moment.

A: Can I help you?

b No, thanks, I'm just looking.

Ответ дал: сок111213

0 A: Can you help me with the cooking, please?

B: i No problem.

1 A: Do you have these in a medium?

B: g Yes, we do. Here you are.

2 A: This is a very funny programme. What do you think?

B: a I disagree with you.

3 A: I think you should lie down.

B: d Yes, you're right. I really don't feel well.

4 A: Would you like to go cycling or swimming?

B: h You choose. I don't mind.

5 A: What happened?

B: f I fell off my bike and broke my arm.

6 A: Would you like to hang out on Friday?

B: e Yes, I'd love to, thanks.

7 A: Could I borrow your phone?

B: c Not now, sorry. I'm using it at the moment.

8 A: Can I help you?

B: b No, thanks, I'm just looking.

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