Vocabulary 1 Complete. Use these words. about x 2 1 Look 2 Let's set at back down this great poster! the equipment on the stage. 3 Where did you hear concert? up 4 I'm tired. Please may I sit ? 5 What time did you get home last night? 6 I'd like to know what happened. Please tell me the 2 Complete. 1 When you look hard at somebody or something, you stare 2 When you take things out of a bag or box, you u them. 3 Av bit bigger. It's often driven by workmen. 4 M is like a car, but a the middle of the day. 6 Your e is another word for 5 When you look at something very carefully, you e to do a job. is what you use ​


lubovabdualieva: 1. set up
lubovabdualieva: 3. hear about
lubovabdualieva: 4. sit down
lubovabdualieva: 5. get back
lubovabdualieva: 6. Please tell me about it.


Ответ дал: anastsiadonets2005


Vocabulary 1:

Look at this great poster!

Let's set the equipment on the stage.

Where did you hear about the concert?

I'm tired. Please may I sit down?

What time did you get home last night?

I'd like to know what happened. Please tell me.

Vocabulary 2:

When you look hard at somebody or something, you stare.

When you take things out of a bag or box, you unpack them.

A van is a bit bigger. It's often driven by workmen.

A motorbike is like a car, but a bit smaller.

When you look at something very carefully, you examine it.

Your expertise is another word for the skills or knowledge you have to do a job.

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