Open the brackets 1. Soup (to eat) for dinner in our family. 2. The dictation (to write) at the lesson yesterday. 3. The flowers (to water) 2 days ago. 4. Moscow (to found) in 1147. 5. Coffee (to drink) every morning. 6. Tickets (to buy) at the booking office. 7. The restaurant (to close) very early yesterday. 8. Where the documents (to hide) yesterday? 9. Where English (to speak) nowadays? 10. Why your luggage (to steal) yesterday? 11.The greeting cards (not to post) last week. 12.New sports centers (not to open) very often. I​

inwi21: Здесь нужно в Passive Voice поставить глаголы?
fedasavin3: да


Ответ дал: inwi21
Прописала форму глагола. Обратите внимание на порядок слов в вопросах: сначала вопросительное слово (если оно есть), далее сказуемое, подлежащее и после остальные второстепенные члены предложения.

fedasavin3: а можно напиши сюда
fedasavin3: а не на бумаге
Ответ дал: dazzleraep
1. Soup is eaten for dinner in our family.
2. The dictation was written at the lesson yesterday.
3. The flowers were watered 2 days ago.
4. Moscow was founded in 1147.
5. Coffee is drunk every morning.
6. Tickets are bought at the booking office.
7. The restaurant was closed very early yesterday.
8. Where were the documents hidden yesterday?
9. Where is English spoken nowadays?
10. Why was your luggage stolen yesterday?
11. The greeting cards were not posted last week.
12. New sports centers are not opened very often.

dazzleraep: В питанні завдання відкрити дужки, я так і зробила.
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