6 Correct the mistake in each sentence. drive 1 My parents drives me crazy at times. 2 I'm going swimming about three times a week. 3 Who does works with you? 4 How many countries have you gone to? 5 In the past I walk to school. 6 I am think you are correct. 7 I'm playing a lot of tennis in my free time. 8 I live in London for three years and I love it. I've been to Brazil last year. 10 Who does they work with? 9​


Ответ дал: adidsor55


My parents drive me crazy at times.

I go swimming about three times a week.

Who works with you?

How many countries have you been to?

In the past, I walked to school.

I think you are correct.

I play a lot of tennis in my free time.

I lived in London for three years and I loved it. I went to Brazil last year.

Who do they work with?

There is no sentence number 10 in the provided text.

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