О. Генри рассказы (O.Henry stories)
Put the sentences in the right order.
1) Nevada receives a letter from Gilbert.
2) Nevada finds an excuse not to write an answer.
3) Another letter addressed to Nevada arrives.
4) Barbara reads the letter for Nevada.
5) Nevada arrives at old Jerome's house.
6) Nevada goes out into the night.
7) One man and two women form a triangle.
8) The joke is on Barbara.
9) Jack and his sister arrive.
10) Nevada learns what the letter read.
11) Gilbert acts as a man of decision.
12) Old Jerome has to read the letter.
13) Old Jerome and Barbara are at the theatre.
14) Barbara acts like a lady.


Ответ дал: Defensivofvik



Here is the correct order of the sentences:

1.Old Jerome and Barbara are at the theatre.

2.One man and two women form a triangle.

3.Barbara acts like a lady.

4.The joke is on Barbara.

5.Nevada arrives at old Jerome's house.

6.Old Jerome has to read the letter.

7.Nevada receives a letter from Gilbert.

8.Another letter addressed to Nevada arrives.

9.Nevada learns what the letter read.

10.Nevada finds an excuse not to write an answer.

11.Barbara reads the letter for Nevada.

12.Gilbert acts as a man of decision.

13.Jack and his sister arrive.

14.Nevada goes out into the night.

Please note that the given sentences may not form a coherent story, and the context may be required to fully understand the sequence of events.

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