A Complete the text with these words in the correct form. You can use some of them more than once.
fall get have keep pay
Summer love
When Joe returned from his holiday in Spain, he brought back more than a few souvenirs. He
had some very exciting news. He was going to (1)______
married! His family and friends
couldn't believe it. Who? When? How? They had so many questions! 'Well,' explained Joe, 'I met
Carmen in Barcelona and we (2)
in love.' Joe didn't want to (3)
secrets from his family, so he told them everything. 'She worked at the hotel where I was staying.
She's very pretty, so I (4)
her a compliment and asked her out for a coffee. Before
I knew it, we were spending all our time together.' 'When can we meet her?' asked his mother.
'Soon,' replied Joe. 'She's going to (5).
us a visit next month.' His mother was
worried. 'But you hardly know her. You don't want to make a mistake and then (6)
divorced in a couple of years!' she said. 'Don't worry, Mum,' replied Joe. 'Everything will be fine."
And Joe was right. Twenty years later, Joe and Carmen now (7)
a family and are still
living happily ever after!
Даю 20 балов!!!!


Ответ дал: artemchik1032


Summer love

When Joe returned from his holiday in Spain, he brought back more than a few souvenirs. He

had some very exciting news. He was going to (1) get married! His family and friends

couldn't believe it. Who? When? How? They had so many questions! 'Well,' explained Joe, 'I met

Carmen in Barcelona and we (2) fell in love.' Joe didn't want to (3) keep any

secrets from his family, so he told them everything. 'She worked at the hotel where I was staying.

She's very pretty, so I (4) paid her a compliment and asked her out for a coffee. Before

I knew it, we were spending all our time together.' 'When can we meet her?' asked his mother.

'Soon,' replied Joe. 'She's going to (5) have

us a visit next month.' His mother was

worried. 'But you hardly know her. You don't want to make a mistake and then (6) get

divorced in a couple of years!' she said. 'Don't worry, Mum,' replied Joe. 'Everything will be fine."

And Joe was right. Twenty years later, Joe and Carmen now (7) keep

a family and are still

living happily ever after!


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