Task 4 (20 points).

Choose the correct answer.

What … for dinner?
are they usually have
they usually have
do they usually have
My sister often … cereal for breakfast.
does have
Be quiet, please! I…
am working
… to Spain last summer?
Did they go
Do they go
Did they went
Mary left …
ten minutes ago
last ten minutes
before ten minutes
We … him yesterday.
don’t see
didn’t saw
didn’t see
What … now?
are you doing
do you do
did you do
My grandparents … a beautiful house last year.
did buy
… comics every evening?
Does she read
She reads
Did she read
Where … you yesterday?

Task 5 (10 points).

Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

She _____________ (lie) on the bed now.
They _____________ (prepare) for the final exam these days.
I _____________ (make) tea every morning, but today I _____________ (drink) coffee.
Look! The chocolate statue _____________ (melt).
I _____________ (not watch) TV very often, but at the moment I _____________ (watch) my favourite film.
She _____________ (see) her dentist today, and she _____________(not like) it at all.
You _____________ (not listen) to the radio. Turn it off, please.


Ответ дал: artemchik1032

Task 4:

1. What do they usually have for dinner?

2. My sister often has cereal for breakfast.

3. Be quiet, please! I am working.

4. Did they go to Spain last summer?

5. Mary left ten minutes ago.

6. We didn't see him yesterday.

7. What are you doing now?

8. My grandparents bought a beautiful house last year.

9. Does she read comics every evening?

10. Where were you yesterday?

Task 5:

1. She is lying on the bed now.

2. They are preparing for the final exam these days.

3. I make tea every morning, but today I am drinking coffee.

4. Look! The chocolate statue is melting.

5. I don't watch TV very often, but at the moment I am watching my favourite film.

6. She is seeing her dentist today, and she doesn't like it at all.

7. You are not listening to the radio. Turn it off, please.

axolotlilove1: Всё правильно)
Ответ дал: Пеппер

What do they usually have for dinner?

My sister often has  cereal for breakfast.

Be quiet, please! I Be quiet, please! I am working.

Did they go to Spain last summer?

Mary left ten minutes ago.

We didn’t see him yesterday.

What are you doing now?

My grandparents bought a beautiful house last year.

Does she read comics every evening?

Where were you yesterday?

She is liying on the bed now.

They are prepareing  for the final exam these days.

I  make  tea every morning, but today I am drinking coffee.

Look! The chocolate statue is melting.

I don`t watch TV very often, but at the moment I am watching my favourite film.

She sees her dentist today, and she does not like it at all.

You are not listening  to the radio. Turn it off, please.

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