7 Write six sentences about you and your family or friends. 1 I.……………... 2 I don't. 3 My........ 4 He/She 5 We.. 6 We don't. doesn't +​


Ответ дал: drewdober


1) I enjoy spending time with my family, going on outings and creating precious memories together.

2) I don't have any siblings, but I have a close-knit group of friends who feel like family to me.

3) My father is a hardworking man who always supports and guides me in life.

4) My brother is musician. He is a talented musician and loves playing the guitar in his free time.

5) We often gather for family dinners on weekends, sharing laughter and stories around the table.

6) We don't let small disagreements affect our bond, and always find a way to resolve conflicts and strengthen our relationships.

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