Present Perfect or Past Simple and Present Perfect Continuous
1. The Browns _________ a house for some time. They ___________ all the main walls now. (build)
2. John _______________ his novel since last year. He _____________ the first three chapters. (write)
3. The painters _________ the town hall since February. They _________ nearly half of it now. (paint)
4. The Cooks __________to go on holiday next summer. They ____________ € 2000 up to now. (save)
5. I _______________ cartoons on TV. I _______________ 4 cartoons already. (watch)
6. You look tired. _______________ (you/study) hard?
7. Mr Brown is new here, isn't he? How long ______________________(he/work) for the company?
8. I _______________ (lose) my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere?
9. I _______________ (read) the magazine you lent me, but I _______________ (not/finish) yet.


Ответ дал: dashabanko30


1. The Browns have been building a house for some time. They have built all the main walls now.

2. John has been writing his novel since last year. He has written the first three chapters.

3. The painters have been painting the town hall since February. They have painted nearly half of it now.

4. The Cooks are going to go on holiday next summer. They have saved €2000 up to now.

5. I have been watching cartoons on TV. I have watched 4 cartoons already.

6. You look tired. Have you been studying hard?

7. Mr Brown is new here, isn't he? How long has he been working for the company?

8. I have lost my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere?

9. I have read the magazine you lent me, but I haven't finished it yet.

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