bring and take, come and go 1 Complete the phrases with bring, take, come or go. a long time a seat a break 1 people together peace in the world a souvenir back from holiday 2 Use the phrases from 1 to complete the sentences. Write the verbs in the correct tense. 3 Noah's dream true first in the race to an end 1 When you go to Holland, could you bring me back some cheese? crazy well together wrong 2 I'm so proud of Ava - she school sports day. for his eighth birthday. 6 Please 4 Storytelling is a great way to 5 Evelyn needs to you in a minute. a while. She's exhausted! at - he got a pupp from work for .The doctor will be wit 7 I overslept this morning, I missed my train, then I los £20 - what else can 8 Wine and cheese Thank you and goodbye! Add the missing words to complete the conversations. safe 1 A Bye Claude. I hope you have a journey. up Who's picking you B My brother. Anton. 2 A Thank you so much a lovely evening. The food was delicious. B It was my pleasure. I'm you enjoyed it. 3 A Thanks for me. I've had a lovely few days. B It's been a. You know you're always to stay. A You're kind. 4 A Have a good and text me when you get home. B Will. Thanks for driving me to the airport. A No problem. Please my love to your parents.​



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. take

2. Bring

3. Come

4. Go

2. 2. I'm so proud of Ava- she came first at school sports day

3. Noah's dream came true - he got a .  

4. do well together .

5. take a break .

6. Please take a seat.

7. ...can go wrong .

8. - go crazy.

9. 3.2. Thank you very much for a lovely evening.

B. .... I' m glad you enjoyed it

3. Thanks from me..  B: It's been amazing.

4. Have a good journey and text me  when you get home.

B. Well. Thank you....

A. .... please say hello to your parents.


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