Заповни пропуски артиклями, де це необхідно.

1) I am... pupil. My. name is ... Olena. I have... friend. Her ... name is ... Oksana. She is ... my... classmate. We are at school. This is ... our... classroom. Look! ... walls in ... classroom are... green.

2) My... mother is ... doctor. She is ... good doctor. My... mother is not at ... home. She is at ... work.

3) I have... brother. His ... name is ... Dima. ... Dima is... stu- dent. He is ... clever student and ... good brother. We are at ... home now. We have ... nice room. This ... room is ... clean and... cosy. We have ... computer in ... our room. We like to play... computer games.​


Ответ дал: akorsun

1)i am a pupil. My name is Olena. I have a friend. Her name is Oksana. She is my classmate. We are at school. This is our classroom. Look! These walls in our classroom are green.

2)My mother is a doctor. She is a good doctor. My mother is not at home. She is at work.

3)i have a brother. His name is Dima. Dima is а student. He is a clever student and a good brother. We are at home now. We have a computer in our room. We like to play computer games.

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