1 Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to the correct description. 1 d Jenny works as a chef. 2 3 4 5 6 Tom is staying at work late this week. Thomas usually travels to work with his friends. Mike is sleeping now. The bus for the city centre leaves at 8 am. Lisa is taking a day off work next Monday. a routines b a fixed arrangement in the near future c actions happening now d permanent states e a temporary situation f timetable or programme​



Ответ дал: 543793


Let's match the tenses in the sentences to their correct descriptions:

1. Jenny works as a chef.

  - Tense: Present simple

  - Description: Routines

2. Tom is staying at work late this week.

  - Tense: Present continuous

  - Description: A temporary situation

3. Thomas usually travels to work with his friends.

  - Tense: Present simple

  - Description: Routines

4. Mike is sleeping now.

  - Tense: Present continuous

  - Description: Actions happening now

5. The bus for the city centre leaves at 8 am.

  - Tense: Present simple

  - Description: Timetable or programme

6. Lisa is taking a day off work next Monday.

  - Tense: Present continuous

  - Description: A fixed arrangement in the near future

I hope the matching is clear now! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.


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