7.UE10) Ask and answer questions. Use the phrases. 8 1 you/read a magazine - 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon? "Were you reading a magazine at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon?" "No, I wasn't. 2 your parents/go to the theatre - last Saturday? "Did your parents go to the theatre last Saturday?" "Yes, they did." you/do your homework - 5:00 yesterday afternoon? 4 you/visit your grandparents - last Sunday? 5 you/talk on the phone - at lunchtime yesterday? 7 6 you/watch TV-yesterday afternoon? your friends/play basketball - yesterday? what/you/do - 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon? дам 30баллов

Аноним: напишив телегу мені hahobn


Ответ дал: lubovabdualieva


1. Were you doing your homework 5:00 yesterday afternoon? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't. ( Ответа сразу два даю. Да. Нет. ) 2. Did you visit your grandparents last Sunday? Yes, I did. No, I didn't. 3. Were you talking on the phone at lunchtime yesterday? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't. 4. Were you watching TV yesterday afternoon? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't. 5. Did your friends play basketball yesterday? Yes, they did. No, they didn't. 6. What were you doing at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon? I was reading an interesting book.


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