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Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


4. She was working.

5. I got up early  this morning. I washed, dressed and then I had my breakfast teak. Past simple - события быстро одно за другим происх.

6. The postman came while  I was having breakfast.

7. We met Joan at the  party. She was wearing a red dress.

8. The boys broke  the window when they were playing football.

9. ...my friends  were waiting for me, when I arrived.

10. I got up at 7 o'clock . The sun was shining,  so I went for a walk.

11. He wasn't  driving fast when the accident happened.

13. Margaret  didn't go to work yesterday.

14. What were you doing  at ...? I was watching a film in the cinema.


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