Срочно Прошу!
Fill in blanks in these sentences with the correct form
1. With the _______________ of the population, more food is needed. (grow)
2. The book was __________________. It did not help us at all. (use)
3. After the farmer harvests his crop, he must ______________ it to market. (transport)
4. If there is not enough food, many children will die of_______________ . (starve)
5. That student _______________ with the others very well. (cooperate)
6. It is important to treat all people _______________. (equal)
7. There is a _______________ of good, fertile land. (scarce)
8. Experts _______________ production by adding fertilizer to the soil. (improve)
9. _____________ of food throughout the world is a problem. (distribute)
10. They did not water the crops ______________ ____ so they died. (sufficient)


Ответ дал: Davinchii


1. growth

2. useless

3. transport

4. starvation

5. cooperates

6. equally

7. scarcity

8. improve

9. distribution

10. sufficiently

8Lavanda8: спасибо большое!!
ananasikTATA: Привіт, можете будь ласка порадити, що можна написати в мотиваційному листі на спеціальність "Публічне управління та адміністрування"? Буду дуже вдячна ♡
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