Помогите пожалуйста 8 и 10


Аноним: напишив телегу мені hahobn
Kuprisel: 5 баллов мало за 2 больших упражнения могу решить за 25 прямо сейчас


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


8.1. were ; would go

2. take

3. Would you take some...; visited

4. wears; will go

5. .Blake and Neil  would  never crash if they didn't decide to go rafting.

2. I wish I hadn't  moved to Alaska. If I hadn't ua moved to Alaska I wouldn't have lost touch with most of my friends.

3. I wish I had taken  a map. If I had taken a map I wouldn't have lost in the forest.

4. I wish I hadn't ua been sick.

If I hadn't  been sick last week I would have gone volcano surfing with the rest of my friends.


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