Jim and Nicole's mum is away all day today. She has left a list of things for the children to do. Look at the two lists, then use the prompts to make sentences with have has to or doesn't have to as in the example. JIM Do your homework. Cook dinner. Tidy your room. Buy some stamps. Take the dog for a walk. NICOLE Do your homework. Do the washing-up. Tidy your room. Do the ironing. Give the dog a bath. 1 Nicole/washing-up? Nicole has to do the washing-up Jim/ironing? 2 3 Jim and Nicole/homework? 4 Nicole/dinner? 5 Jim/dog/bath? 6 Jim and Nicole/rooms? Stick to the Rules! 7 Nicole/stamps? 8 Jim/dog/walk? 10​

lubovabdualieva: К заданию должна быть вроде как таблица, или картинка


Ответ дал: alegator232

1. Nicole has to do the washing-up.

2. Jim doesn't have to do the ironing.

3. Jim and Nicole have to do their homework.

4. Nicole doesn't have to cook dinner.

5. Jim has to take the dog for a walk.

6. Jim and Nicole have to tidy their rooms.

7. Stick to the Rules!

8. Nicole doesn't have to buy stamps.

9. Jim has to take the dog for a walk.

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