Срочно помогите найдите и исправьте 8 ошибок в тексте.


Аноним: напишив телегу мені hahobn


Ответ дал: maiiatomss


1. Has your computer been fixed yet?

2. I need to get my laptop repaired soon.

3. I received a strange email last week.

4. I've been asked to give a talk at school

5. and all my files have been deleted by this virus.

6. When I bought the laptop, I had antivirus software installed,

7. but it obviously isn't working.

8.  So, can you tell me where I can get my computer fixed and how much I will be charged?


Полный исправленный текст:

Hi Lily,

Has your computer been fixed yet? I need to get my laptop repaired soon. I received a strange email last week. I opened it, but it was just a lot of numbers. Anyway, after that, I started to lose lots of my files. I've been asked to give a talk at school, and all my files have been deleted by this virus. When I bought the laptop, I had antivirus software installed, but it obviously isn't working. So, can you tell me where I can get my computer fixed and how much I will be charged? Thanks a lot. By the way, I'm using my brother's tablet to send this email, so you won't get the virus, too!



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