3 Read the definitions and then complete the sentences with
the correct particle.
1 Please put ...
those trainers - they're in the way.
2 Indira put ....
her coat and left for work.
3 Nurasyl and Ramazan decided to put
their differences
and work together.
4 I refuse to put
such rude behaviour!
5 They had to put .....
their trip till the end of the summer.


Ответ дал: saladomic

1. Please put on your trainers - they're in the way

2. Indira put on her coat and left for work.

3. Nurasyl and Ramazan decided to put their differences aside and work together.

4. I refuse to put up with such rude behaviour!

5. They had to put off their trip till the end of summer.

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