* Think of an annual celebration in
your country. Answer the questions.
1 What is the name of the festival? .....
2 Where does it take place?
3 When does it take place?
4 How long does it last?
5 What is it about?
6 How do people prepare for it?
7 What happens during the celebration?
8 How do people like it?


Ответ дал: Akkfodkcns


1. Name of the festival: Thanksgiving Day

2. Location: USA

3. Date: fourth Thursday of November

4. Duration: 1 day (sometimes weekend)

5. Topic: Thanks for the harvest and blessings of the past year.

6. Preparation: People decorate their homes, cook food and travel with family.

7. Celebration: families gather for a feast, where there are such dishes as: turkey, stuffing and side dishes.

8. Reception: the desire to be with the family and receive a blessing. This is a favorite holiday in the United States.

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