get off go by (x2) go on take ride come by get on 1 A: Can you tell me the way to the Sports Centre? B: Yes, you take the number 195 bus and you the third stop. 2 A: Did you drive here? B: No, I bus. 3 A: Is this Kenji's first bike? B: Yes, and he it everywhere. 4 A: What's the best way to get to the airport? B: You can go by bus or you can 5 A: How do you go to school? B: I usually foot. 6 A: How does Stefanie go to work? B: She car. 7 A: Where are you? B: I'm at Berlin airport and I South Africa, so I can't talk. 8 A: How did you travel to Paris? B: 1 train. get off a taxi. a plane to at​


Ответ дал: kayratkamchybekov08

Вот завершенный диалог с правильными формами глаголов:

1 A: Can you tell me the way to the Sports Centre? B: Yes, you take the number 195 bus and you get off at the third stop.

2 A: Did you drive here? B: No, I went by bus.

3 A: Is this Kenji's first bike? B: Yes, and he takes it everywhere.

4 A: What's the best way to get to the airport? B: You can go by bus or you can take a taxi.

5 A: How do you go to school? B: I usually get off at the foot.

6 A: How does Stefanie go to work? B: She comes by car.

7 A: Where are you? B: I'm at Berlin airport and I came by plane to South Africa, so I can't talk.

8 A: How did you travel to Paris? B: I took a train and got off a taxi.

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