3 Match the definitions with the words below. There are two extra words. charger hall helmet jumper mushroom nephew niece pole vault 1 You use this when your battery is low. 20 When the sun goes down at the end of the day. 21 This isn't meat or fruit - but it is good for you. 22 This protects your head.. 23 An athletic sport where you have to get over a high bar.. 24 Warm top for the winter. 25 Your brother's daughter.. 26 The low area between two mountains. 27 The room inside the entrance of a house or apartment. sunrise sunset valley СРОЧНО!!!!! ПОМОГИТЕ даю 100 баллов​



Ответ дал: samdsx7


Sure, here are the matched words for the given definitions:

1. charger - You use this when your battery is low.

2. sunset - When the sun goes down at the end of the day.

3. mushroom - This isn't meat or fruit - but it is good for you.

4. helmet - This protects your head.

5. pole vault - An athletic sport where you have to get over a high bar.

6. jumper - Warm top for the winter.

7. niece - Your brother's daughter.

8. valley - The low area between two mountains.

9. hall - The room inside the entrance of a house or apartment.

The extra words are "nephew" and "sunrise."


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