1)What is global warming?
2) Do people try overcome the environmental?3) How often do you attempt to save environment?
4)What problems can appear if there is global warming?
Все это с лёгким словами и немало и не больше должно быть.


Ответ дал: capybara3000
1) Global warming is the process of increasing the temperature on Earth due to increased emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide.

2) Yes, people are trying to fight environmental problems such as air, water and soil pollution, destruction of natural resources, climate change and others.

3) The frequency of attempts to preserve the environment depends on each person. Some people actively do this every day, while others can only do it from time to time.

4) Global warming can lead to various problems, such as sea level rise, increased frequency of catastrophic weather events, a decrease in the amount of available drinking water, deterioration of soil quality and destruction of ecosystems.
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