NAME: SHOPPING Questions: When was the last time you went shopping? What did you buy? • Complete the 15 sentences with the words on the left. C cash n. F M 0 P R S SALE T W cashier n. customers n. fitting room n. medium adj., n. on sale phr. open adj., v. pay v. price n receipt n. sales tax n. shopping cart n. store hours n. try on v. window shop v. 1. How much does this sweater cost? What's the 2. Should I buy a size small, large jacket. I don't know what size he wears. 3. Would you like to pay by credit card? 4. Is the store 5. DATE: 6. (A) Where can I (B) You can try it on in the or closed? 8. I'm going to buy a lot of things, so I don't want a shopping basket. I need a this shirt? 7. If you want to bring back that jacket and exchange it for a new one, you must have a or by or 9. That television is very expensive, so I'm going to wait for it to go 10. There are too many people standing in line at that Let's go to another one. 14. The 11. The table costs $59, but don't forget that you also have That's an extra 10%. to pay 12. That store is very popular. There are always very many buying things. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 13. Oh no! I almost walked out of the store and almost forgot to for my things! are from 9 am to 9 pm. 15. I don't have much money, but I still like to go to shopping malls and​


stighor: Thanks for the task.


Ответ дал: stighor


  • When was the last time you went shopping? - Almost every day.
    - Когда вы в последний раз ходили по магазинам? - Почти каждый день.
  • What did you buy? - I usually buy some buns and drinks. ( Я обычно покупаю булочки и напитки. )

cash - наличные

cashier - касса, кассир

customers - клиенты

fitting room - примерочная

medium ( size) - средний (размер)

(go) on sale - поступит в продажу

open - открытый

pay - платить

price - цена

receipt - квитанция (товарный чек)

sales tax - налог с продаж

shopping cart = shopping trolley - тележка для покупок

store hours - часы работы магазина

window shop (v) - рассматривать витрины


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