7 Use the prompts to write sentences about a second painting.
a above / another painting / Van Gogh
Above this text there is another painting by Van Gogh.
name / painting / The Potato Eaters
c five people / picture
d two women/ two men/ one young girl
e all poor people
f food / table
g above / table / lamp
h a dark / depressing picture
i not comfortable / room



Ответ дал: mukhammadiev6606


b.The Potato Eaters is the name of painting

c.There are five people in the picture

d.There are two women and two men and one young girl in the picture

e.There are all poor people

f.There is food on the table

g.Above the table there is a lamp

h.There is a dark depressing picture

i. The room there isn't comfortable


it's just rules of "there is and there are"

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