Comun Activity 5. Circle the correct form. 1) Doctor Moffett love loves his job. 2) He study studies ants 3) A salesperson sell sells product for a company. 4) You and Anita work works on weekends. 5) Nurses help helps people. 6) We write writes science books 7) Our office close closes at 7.00 pm. 8) She take \ takes classes at the business school. 9) You walk walks to work every day. 1 10) I start starts work at 8.00 am every morning.​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

1) Doctor Moffett  loves his job. 2) He  studies ants 3) A salesperson sells product for a company. 4) You and Anita work  on weekends. 5) Nurses help  people. 6) We write  science books 7) Our office  closes at 7.00 pm. 8) She  takes classes at the business school. 9) You walk  to work every day.  10) I start work at 8.00 am every morning.​

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