5 Complete the words in the sentences. 1 Lions have p _____ legs and s_____ teeth that b______ easily. 2 Some animals that live underground don't need to see: they're b_____ 3 There was a bird fight in our garden and there were f on the grass. 4 Bears have brown or black f___ and h___small animals for food. 5 Bees' w________ move very quickly to keep them in the air. 6 Some fish can d___ a long way under water and also j______ out into the air. 7 If a butterfly ______ on your hand, it's good luck!​

Аноним: Кину відповідьв телегу мені hahobn


Ответ дал: Torgovets

1. Lions have powerful legs and sharp teeth that bite easily.

2. Some animals that live underground don't need to see: they're blind.

3. There was a bird fight in our garden and there were feathers on the grass.

4. Bears have brown or black fur and hunt small animals for food.

5. Bees' wings move very quickly to keep them in the air.

6. Some fish can dive a long way under water and also jump out into the air.

7. If a butterfly lands on your hand, it's good luck!

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