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20. When the potato was first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It (1)_ be poisonous and it (2) a long time to become common. There (3) a French army officer, who planted potatoes in the royal garden. The poor peasants were a story of curious about the new plants and many of them (4) to be planted in their own gardens. 1. a) was considered 2. a) was taking 3. a) has been 4. a) had been stolen (b) considered b) will take b) will be b) were stealing 1. a) enters 2. a) should I 3. a) don't want b) entered b) shall I have b) hadn't wanted c) had considered c) takes c) is c) were stolen a shop and said to the shop assistant: "How much (2) 21. Once a little boy (1)_ to pay for ten pounds of sugar and three pounds of butter?" The shop assistant answered: "Four dollars and thirty cents." "Thank you," said the boy, "I (3) my homework for tomorrow." to buy anything. It's mean c) had entered c) was I able c) haven't wanted 22. Arthur worked in the Central Post-offica. Ei d) is considered d) took d) had been d) stole d) will enter d) must I d) shan't want​


Аноним: Ex21. 1- entered, 2 - shall I have, 3 - don't want.


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