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Дам 15 баллов!!!
1 where is the orchestra from?
2 what makes it special?
3 where do they ger thier instruments from?
4 how is a trumpet made?
5 what does the sound of the instruments depend om
6 what music do they play?
7 how does a concert end?
8 in what ways is this orchestra different to a conventional one?


Ответ дал: alinaalkostyuk


1)The orchestra is from Austria

2)They use vegetables to make music

3)They choose vegetables from local markets

4)Trumpet is made from a cucumber, a carrot and a pepper

5)The sound depends on the quality of the vegetables and the temperature on stage

6)The repertoire ranges from classical to electronic music

7)After a concert ends, they make a soup out of the vegetables

8)All instruments are bio degradable and they make their instruments one hour before the concert

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