Даю 20 балів. Допоможіть будь ласка

3.2 A Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake in five of the questions.
1 Do you like reading?
2 Who does read the most in your family?
3 Who be your favourite writer?
4 Which books have become famous recently?
5 What did be your favourite book when you were a child?
6 Who did write it?
7 How often you r ead on the internet?​


Ответ дал: vdracenko76
1. Yes. I really like to read
2. My father like to read too
3. Alexandr Pushkin
4. Ruslan and Ludmila
5. Pukachio
6. Pamella Travis
7. Often
8. At home

v5781ikt0com: це потрібно виправити, а не відповісти
Ответ дал: alexandrakozinec
2 Who Reads the most in your family ?
3. Who is your favourite writer ?
6. Who wrote it?
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