Поставь предложения в отрицательную форму.
1) We were crossing the street when we met Josh.
when we met Josh.
2) Tim has come.
3) They woke up late.
4) Lisa has already got up.
5) I could help you.
6) Kate was singing when something fell. when something fell.
7) Jerry broke his arm when he was skiing. when he was skiing.



Ответ дал: elinarodkina72



1) We didn't cross the Street when Josh met.

2) Tim did not come.

3) They didn't wake up late.

4) Lisa did not stand up.

5) l can't help you.

6) Kate didn't sing when something fell.

7) Jerry didn't break his hand when he skated.

Ответ дал: p15


1) We weren't crossing the street when we met Josh.

2) Tim hasn't come.

3) They didn't wake up late.

4) Lisa hasn't already got up.

5) I couldn't help you.

6) Kate wasn't singing when something fell.

7) Jerry didn't break his arm when he was skiing.


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