прошу срочно помогите реально надо!!*Exercise 3: Write a sentence for each of the following collective nouns:*
1. Herd
2. Flock
3. School
4. Pack
5. Swarm
6. Litter 7. Troop
8. Pod
9. Colony​


Ответ дал: renatusov772


The herd of cows grazed peacefully in the meadow.

A flock of birds flew across the sky in perfect formation.

The school of fish swam together, creating a mesmerizing display.

The pack of wolves hunted together, their coordinated movements a sight to behold.

A swarm of bees buzzed around the hive, busy with their work.

The litter of puppies played joyfully in the backyard.

The troop of soldiers marched in perfect unison, ready for battle.

The pod of dolphins gracefully swam through the ocean waves.

The colony of ants worked tirelessly to build their intricate tunnels.



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