Скласти 7 речень англійською мовою з використанням назв днів тижня
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Ответ дал: YchennHmel


I often go to the store on Mondays.

On Tuesdays, the stars are very beautiful, I like to look at them

My mom/dad had a birthday on Wednesday

on thursday i like to draw because i have free time on this day

On Friday, I miss my classmates, because I will see them in two days

It is often cold on Saturday

Sunday is my favorite day of the week

Ответ дал: Samaelius

1. On Monday, I have a busy schedule with back-to-back meetings.

2. Tuesday is my favorite day because I get to attend my art class.

3. Wednesday is usually a mid-week slump, but I like to treat myself to a nice dinner.

4. Thursday evenings are reserved for my yoga sessions to unwind.

5. Friday marks the start of the weekend, and I often go out with friends.

6. I love lazy Saturday mornings when I can sleep in and enjoy a leisurely breakfast.

7. Sunday is family day, and we often gather for a big meal and quality time together.

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