Open the brackets using Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Linda: Hey, Sarah! Glad to hear you! 1) _________________ (you / enjoy) your trip to London?

Sarah: Sure! I 2) _________________ (have) an amazing time here! I really like the hustle and bustle of London streets.

Linda: What 3) _________________ (usually / you / do) during the day?

Sarah: I 4) _________________ (usually / go) round the city centre. I 5) _________________ (sometimes / visit) museums which 6) _________ (be) free or see the sights.

Linda: Great! What else?

Sarah: Thousands of things! My elder sister 7) _________________ (take) me to different attractions every day!

Linda: And what 8) _________________ (you / do) now?

Sarah: At the moment I 9) _________________ (walk) on Oxford Street. My sister 10) _________________ (look for) a dress for her prom and I 11) _________________ (help) her.

Linda: Well, I 12) _________________ (hope) you 13) _________________ (have) fun! Bye!

Sarah: Thanks, bye!


Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac

Linda: Hey, Sarah! Glad to hear from you! 1) Are you enjoying (you / enjoy) your trip to London?

Sarah: Sure! I 2) am having (have) an amazing time here! I really like the hustle and bustle of London streets.

Linda: What 3) do you usually do (usually / you / do) during the day?

Sarah: I 4) usually go (usually / go) round the city centre. I 5) sometimes visit (sometimes / visit) museums which 6) are (be) free or see the sights.

Linda: Great! What else?

Sarah: Thousands of things! My elder sister 7) takes (take) me to different attractions every day!

Linda: And what 8) are you doing (you / do) now?

Sarah: At the moment, I 9) am walking (walk) on Oxford Street. My sister 10) is looking for (look for) a dress for her prom, and I 11) am helping (help) her.

Linda: Well, I 12) hope (hope) you 13) are having (have) fun! Bye!

Sarah: Thanks, bye!

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