ACTIVATE Find out more about people in the class. Match 1-8 with a-h to make questions. Then ask and answer the questions. 1 How old... 2 Where... 3 Who's your... 4 When's 5 What time's... 6 What are a your parents' names? b are you? 7 How are... 8 What's your... How old are you? c you today? d the next class? e phone number? f favourite singer? g your birthday? are you from? h I'm fourteen. x​


Ответ дал: otpravtenakonecnoutb


Let's match the questions with their corresponding letters:

1. How old... - b are you?

2. Where... - are you from?

3. Who's your... - favourite singer?

4. When's - your birthday?

5. What time's... - the next class?

6. What are - your parents' names?

7. How are... - you today?

8. What's your... - phone number?

Now, let's ask and answer these questions:

1. How old are you? - I'm fourteen.

2. Where are you from? - I am from [your location].

3. Who's your favorite singer? - My favorite singer is [singer's name].

4. When's your birthday? - My birthday is on [your birthday date].

5. What time's the next class? - The next class is at [class time].

6. What are your parents' names? - My parents' names are [parent 1's name] and [parent 2's name].

7. How are you today? - I'm feeling [how you're feeling today].

8. What's your phone number? - I'm sorry, but I can't share my phone number.

Feel free to replace the placeholders with your specific information when answering these questions.

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