1. well-disposed
2. sociable
3. generous
4. intelligent
5. hard-working
6. honest
7. courageous
8. truthful
9. talkative
10. frustrated
11. defensive
12. unreasonable
13. maturity
14. to exaggerate
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Ответ дал: justdouk

Ось декілька речень з використанням заданих слів:

She is always well-disposed and ready to help anyone in need.

John is a sociable person who enjoys meeting new people and making friends.

Her generous nature is evident in the way she always shares what she has with others.

Jane is not only hard-working but also highly intelligent, making her a valuable asset to the team.

His dedication to his job and his hard-working attitude have earned him a promotion.

Being honest is an important value in their family, and they always tell the truth.

Despite the danger, he showed courageous determination to rescue the trapped hikers.

Sarah values honesty above all else and always strives to be truthful in her interactions.

She's quite talkative and enjoys engaging in long conversations with her friends.

After facing numerous setbacks, he became frustrated with the slow progress.

His defensive reaction stemmed from a deep-seated fear of being criticized.

Her unreasonable demands made it difficult for the team to reach a compromise.

With age comes maturity, and she handles challenges with greater wisdom.

It's essential not to exaggerate your achievements when writing your resume.

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