Поставити речення в теперішньому та майбутньому часах: 1. I was very glad to see you. 2. They were kind and honest. 3. The little kids in this group were very cheerful and funny.​


Ответ дал: savaseregin

Звісно, ось ваші речення в теперішньому та майбутньому часах:

1. I was very glad to see you.

  - Теперішній час: I am very glad to see you.

  - Майбутній час: I will be very glad to see you.

2. They were kind and honest.

  - Теперішній час: They are kind and honest.

  - Майбутній час: They will be kind and honest.

3. The little kids in this group were very cheerful and funny.

  - Теперішній час: The little kids in this group are very cheerful and funny.

  - Майбутній час: The little kids in this group will be very cheerful and funny.

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