Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect tenses
1) Dad (to talk) to Mum at the moment.
2) Her cousin (to visit/already) the Great Pyramids.
3) Look! They (to go) home from school.
4) He usually (to watch) football matches every Saturday afternoon.
5) Those women (just/to buy) some new bags in our shop.
6) Paul (to do) his homework by himself.
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Ответ дал: rampoe

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect tenses.

1) Dad is talking to Mum at the moment. (Present Continuous)

2) Her cousin has already visited the Great Pyramids. (Present Perfect)

3) Look! They are going home from school. (Present Continuous)

4) He usually watches football matches every Saturday afternoon. (Present Simple)

5) Those women have just bought some new bags in our shop. (Present Perfect)

6) Paul does his homework by himself. (Present Simple)

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