Твір на тему «Що я маю зробити, щоб покращити свою англійську цього року»



Ответ дал: Samaelius

Title: What I Should Do to Improve My English This Year


English is a global language that has become essential for communication, education, and career opportunities worldwide. As a student, improving my English language skills is not only important for academic success but also for personal and professional growth. To achieve this goal, I have identified several strategies and actions that I should undertake throughout the year to enhance my English proficiency.

1. Regular Reading

One of the most effective ways to improve my English is by reading regularly. Reading books, newspapers, magazines, and online articles can expose me to various writing styles, vocabulary, and grammatical structures. Additionally, reading can enhance my comprehension skills and expand my knowledge base. Setting aside dedicated time for daily reading will be a key habit to develop.

2. Vocabulary Building

A rich vocabulary is crucial for effective communication and writing. To improve my vocabulary, I will start keeping a word journal where I jot down new words I come across during my reading or daily life. I will also make it a habit to learn a few new words each day and try to incorporate them into my conversations and writing. Furthermore, using vocabulary flashcards and language learning apps can be an interactive way to enhance word retention.

3. Writing Practice

Writing is a fundamental skill that requires constant practice to improve. I plan to set aside time each week to write essays, journal entries, or creative pieces. It is crucial to seek feedback from teachers, peers, or online writing communities to identify areas for improvement. By consistently writing and revising my work, I can refine my grammar, sentence structure, and overall writing style.

4. Speaking and Listening

To improve my spoken English, I will actively engage in conversations with native speakers or proficient speakers of English. Participating in group discussions, debates, or language exchange programs can be valuable opportunities to practice speaking and gain confidence. Additionally, listening to podcasts, watching English-language movies, and following English news channels will help me improve my listening skills and expose me to different accents and dialects.

5. Grammar and Syntax

Understanding English grammar rules and sentence structure is essential for clear and effective communication. I will dedicate time to study grammar books, take online grammar quizzes, and seek guidance from teachers or language tutors. Consistent practice and correction of grammatical errors will be crucial in refining my language skills.

6. Language Courses

Enrolling in English language courses or workshops can provide structured learning and guidance from qualified instructors. These courses can offer a more comprehensive understanding of the language and provide opportunities for interactive learning and practice. I will explore available courses, both online and offline, to supplement my self-study efforts.

7. Setting Goals

To stay motivated and track my progress, I will set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for my English language improvement. These goals may include achieving a certain score on English proficiency exams, completing a writing project, or participating in a public speaking event.


Improving my English language skills is a valuable investment in my personal and academic development. By implementing these strategies, including regular reading, vocabulary building, writing practice, speaking and listening activities, grammar study, language courses, and goal setting, I am confident that I can make significant progress in my English proficiency this year. Continuous effort, dedication, and a growth mindset will be my allies on this journey to become a more proficient English speaker and writer.

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