ou aren't.... ****...me. (col Change the sentences as in the example. nai Istort huo e.g. Spiders aren't as dangerous as snakes. → Snaker pre more dangerous than spident 1. Fishing isn't as dangerous as skling. → 2. August ism't so hot us July. → 3. Silver isn't as expensive as gold. →>> 4. A train isn't so fast as a plane. →>> 5. A pig isn't as clean as a cat. 5. Laura isn't so pretty as Diana. 2. The chocolate cake isn't so tasty as the vanilla cake. → **********​


Ответ дал: lolkokdokhotbibaboba


1. Skling is more dangerous than fishing.

2. July is more hot than August.

3. Gold is more expensive than silver.

4. A plane is faster than a train.

5. A cat is cleaner than a pig.

6. The vanilla cake is tastier than the chocolate cake.

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