4 Complete each sentence a) to j) with an ending from 1) to 10). a) If you play the music too loud,....... b) If the North Pole melted,. c) If we don't have enough ice-cream,....... d) If I found someone's wallet,....... e) If a burglar broke into this house,.... f) If my train isn't late,... g) If you were famous,. h) If my father lends me the money, i) If you took more exercise, i) If you tell me what you want,..... ​


Ответ дал: sashkobach

a) If you play the music too loud, (5) it might disturb the neighbors.

b) If the North Pole melted, (3) sea levels would rise significantly.

c) If we don't have enough ice-cream, (9) we can buy some more at the store.

d) If I found someone's wallet, (2) I would try to return it to its owner.

e) If a burglar broke into this house, (6) I would call the police immediately.

f) If my train isn't late, (8) I will arrive on time.

g) If you were famous, (1) people would recognize you everywhere you go.

h) If my father lends me the money, (7) I can buy the new laptop.

i) If you took more exercise, (4) you would improve your fitness.

j) If you tell me what you want, (10) I can help you find it.

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