6. Walk around the classroom. Ask your classmates questions to find out who does the activities in the table. If someone answers "Yes", ask two follow-up questions.​


Ответ дал: sniezhkostepan05



6. Прогуляйтесь по классу. Задавайте вопросы своим одноклассникам, чтобы узнать, кто занимается занятием в таблице. Если кто-то ответит "Да", задайте два последующих вопроса.

Ответ дал: Yarik123123091


Certainly! Here's how you can approach this activity:

Start by walking around the classroom and approaching your classmates one by one.

Ask each classmate if they do any of the activities listed in the table.

If a classmate answers "Yes," proceed to ask two follow-up questions to learn more about their activities and preferences. You can use the following examples as a guide:

a. What do you enjoy most about [the activity]?

b. How long have you been doing [the activity]?

c. Do you do [the activity] alone or with friends?

d. Where is your favorite place to do [the activity]?

Listen to your classmates' responses and engage in a conversation to get to know them better and learn about their interests and hobbies.

This activity is a great way to practice conversational skills and learn more about your classmates. Enjoy your interactions!


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