помгие пожалуьста
Complete the sentences with the Passive Voice (Preset or Past Simple) of verbs given in
1. That newspaper _______________________ (to start) in 1780.

2. New articles and stories __________________ (to present) in this newspaper.

3. The photo __________________ (to bring ) to editor-in-chief yesterday morning.

4.That item ___________ (to place) in the latest issue of our local newspaper.

5. _________ they ___________ (to invite) to a meeting with a famous journalists this week?

6. Any kind of information _______________________ (to found) on the Internet.

7. Interesting articles __________________ (to publish) in this newspaper.

8. The interview __________________ (to make ) by journalist yesterday evening.

9. The gathering of the news _______________ (to speed) up in 2000s.

10. That story ____________ (to place) in the previous newspaper.

11. _________ they ___________ (to invite) to a meeting with a famous journalists this week?


Ответ дал: merqum000


1. Was started 

2. Are presented 

3. Was brought 

4. Was placed 

5. Are they invited 

6. Is found

7. Were published 

8. Was made 

9. Were speeded up

10. Was placed 

11. Are they invited 

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