2** Перетвори ствердження на запитання.
2) Birds can fly.
3) My aunt lives in Paris.
4) We read every day.
5) Kate is in the park.
6) Gina likes music.
7) Whales are mammals.
8) Bob should do it.
9) We can join you.
10) They should talk to him.

3** Закінчи короткі відповіді.

2) Should I see the doctor? - Yes,
3) Does Peter like skiing? - No,
4) Has she got many friends? - Yes,
5) Do they have any questions? — No,
6) Can you help me? - Yes,
7) Can we park here? - No,
8) Have you got a problem? - Yes,
9) Does your brother have a car? — No,
10) Can they speak German? - No, - No,
11) Do you have time?
12) Does she have a brother? - Yes,
13) Can they come tomorrow? - No,
14) Should I bring my own book? - Yes,
15) Has Jack got a car? - No,
16) Do your friends often visit you? - Yes,
17) Are you hungry? - No, -​


Ответ дал: bef1kstt



Can birds fly?

Does my aunt live in the Paris?

Do we read every day?

Is Kate in the park?

Does Gina like music?

Are whales mammals?

Should Bob do it?

Can we join you?

Should they talk him?


Yes i should

No he doesn't

Yes she has

No they don't

Yes i can

No we can't

Yes i have

No he doesn't

No they can't

no i don't

Yes she has

no they can't

Yes you should

no he hasn't

Yes they do

no I'm not

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