11.4.2 Read the text again. Mark the sentences (1-5) as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).
1. Gregor Mendel was the first person to study genetics.
2. He didn't choose to study the pea plant at random.
3. All of the first generation of pea plants showed a particular trait.
4. One of his conclusions was that the genes changed when they were passed on.
5. Mendel's paper, Experiments in Plant Hybridization was quite popular when first published.
4.5 11.5.2 Choose the correct item.
Non-Mendelian Genetics Mendel's research was only the beginning. Scientists have also discovered other ways in which 1) genes/gametes can be inherited. One example is called incomplete 2) variance/dominance; this is when two 3) alleles/cells produce a blended 4) trait/offspring (e.g. red+white = pink). Another example is co-dominance when two or more alleles are 5) dominant/recessive and can both be seen (e.g. red+white = red + white). Finally, there are sex-linked traits; these are 6) passed/inherited on from one 7) generation/offspring to the next, but are often only seen in members of one sex.​


Ответ дал: smykanastasia612

Ex. 3 p. 8

1. D/S

2. T

3. D/S

4. F

5. F

Ex. 5 p. 9

1. genes

2. dominance

3. alleles

4. offspring

5. dominant

6. passed

7. generation

Ex. 8 p. 9

1. C

2. E

3. D

4. A

5. F

6. B

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